John Stavros presents a Jack Applegate Production:
August 18 & 19, 2011 | 5pm - 1am (both days)
320 Studios
320 West 37 Street (14th floor)
New York, NY 10018
"320 Studios is proud to welcome the next installation of The Contrast Art Show. An art exhibition which puts together a variation of artists, artistic movement groups, and several upcoming galleries; in a frivolous attempt to show the rising styles and trends of art in New York City. A multifaceted show of beauty, performance and the creative spirit will split the night once again, in the form of 20 of New York’s top underground artists coming together all under one roof; Alongside an aerialist performance by Catherine Herrmann, a study in ambidexterity by Roman Zelgatas and a Sneak Preview of the FoXXy Face Clubwear Fashion Show. "
I will be exhibiting my newest painting "the republic" as well as some prints for sale.