

contrast: 3rd installment (i'm in it)

CONTRAST ART SHOW - March 25 & 26 | 5pm-1am

320 Studios
320W 37th St, 14th floor
New York, NY, 10018

"An art exhibition which puts together a variation of artists, artistic movement groups, and several upcoming galleries in order to show the rising styles and trends of art in NewYork City. A multifaceted show of beauty, performance and the creative spirit will split the night once again, in the form of 25 of New York’s top underground artists coming together all under one roof. Along with performances which include: a live body paintings By Ocean Clark, “studies in ambidexterity” by Roman Zelgatas and special appearance by Lady Life and Natasha Komis.

The artists: 
Al Benkin, Chelsea Greene Lewyta, Dumb Won, James Stover, Jonathan Fritz, Mr. Headlee, Kristy Lee, Mary Jean Canziani, Ocean Clark, Rachel Wilkins, River Clark, Roman Zelgatas, Rustam Davleshin, Samson Contompasis; The Market Place Gallery, Scott Ackerman, Tracy Von Becker, Valerie Vanone, Zofia Bogusz, Laura Bochet, Garaldine Visco, Rob Ordonez, Geary Marcello, Erin Dinan